Disrupting many industries.
We are currently working toward fundamentally disrupting the existing manufacturing and distribution model for hydrogen peroxide.
Pulp & paper bleaching.
Almost half of the world’s consumption of hydrogen peroxide is in the pulp and paper industry for bleaching. Phase Two Chemicals’ technology is a great fit for pulp and paper customers, where low electricity costs make production economically feasible and remote locations may drive high transport costs of conventional peroxide supply. In Kraft pulp bleaching, the technology can be directly used in peroxide reinforced alkaline extraction (Eop or Ep), peroxide bleaching stage (P) or at the end of a bleaching sequence for preventing brightness reversion. In mechanical pulp mills, it can be used in BCTMP bleaching operations. Besides the large cost reduction, our technology also improves safety and reliability of supply because it generates on-site at low concentration for direct use.
Textile bleaching.
Natural cotton and other fiber materials contain impurities, resulting in off-white and yellow colors. Hydrogen peroxide is the bleaching agent of choice for removing color so that the product textiles can be dyed to the desired color. Hydrogen peroxide is able to remove coloring agents without damage to the fibers, unlike harsher chlorine bleaches. Phase Two Chemicals’ technology can be used to reduce the cost and improve security of supply for textile bleaching operations.
Water treatment.
A market ripe for disruption.
Hydrogen peroxide is a green chemical. But the way it’s made isn’t. Peroxide is made at centralized chemical plants, using nasty solvents and fossil fuels. Conventional peroxide production is also very expensive and dangerous. Once produced, there have been many accidents with storage and transportation with peroxide that is concentrated for shipping.